SEAC members
Dr Amadou Alpha Sall
Scientific Director of the Institut Pasteur de Dakar, Senegal
Dr Amadou Alpha Sall is a virologist, titular of a doctorate in public health in developing countries. Since 2016, he is general administrator of the Institut Pasteur of Dakar in Senegal.
His research and valuation concentrate mainly on the diagnosis, the ecology and the evolution of the arbovirus and viruses of the haemorrhagic fevers. He has published more than 130 articles in international peerreviewed journals, a book on the viral diagnosis and gave more than 200 scientific papers to international meetings. He is co-editor of technical guidelines for World Health Organization/ World Organization for Animal Health (WHO/OIE)
Dr. Sall is member of the Expert groups for WHO, OIE and Chairman of the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN).
In 2017, he was elected member of the Governing Board of Institut Pasteur in Paris. Dr Sall was awarded UNESCO Prize for Life Science in 2015 for contributions in developing and disseminating diagnostic and control tools for viral diseases such as Ebola, chikungunya, dengue fever and other vector borne diseases with potential global impact.